Sublimate your Clothes with our Professional Wooden Hangers
Discover our large stock of professional wooden hangers for shops, designed in beech wood and made in Europe. Available in large quantities, with competitive prices, they are ideal for coats shirts, trousers and skirts. Customise them with your logo for a unique presentation!
Galeries Lafayette Haussmann, a true emblem of Parisian retail, is unveiling its sumptuous 2024 Christmas window displays. A magical display combining window mannequins, busts, and accessories for an exceptional layout that inspires boutiques and shops around the world.
In Paris, the "Les Mondes Imaginaires" exhibition at the Espace Monte-Cristo plunges visitors into an artistic and poetic universe.
Among the works presented, a captivating installation features window mannequins, transforming this shop equipment into veritable dreamlike sculptures.
This bold approach redefines the traditional role of these elements in store design.