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Wide selection of  mannequins, bust, store equipment, professional hangers, clothing rails and custom packaging for retail stores & lighting solutions for shops and profesionnal spots, retail lighting rails.



Our lighting expertise & references 

At Mannequins Shopping, we pride ourselves on our expertise in commercial lighting. We have had the honour of working with a variety of clients to create bespoke lighting solutions tailored to their specific needs.Our portfolio includes projects ranging from clothing stores to showrooms, offices and restaurants. Each type of business requires a unique approach to lighting, and our aim is to sublimate each space while optimising the customer experience and employee comfort.





Clothing Store Lighting

The lighting in clothing shops plays a crucial role in attracting customers and showcasing products. Our projects include collaborations with prestigious fashion retailers where we have used targeted lighting techniques to accentuate the textures and colours of garments.
We installed directional spotlights for the window displays to capture the attention of passers-by, and stylish hanging lights to create a welcoming ambience inside the shop. Accent lighting, such as LED strips integrated into the shelves, helps to highlight accessories and details, making the shopping experience more enjoyable and immersive.


Showroom Lighting

showrooms require lighting that emphasises the sophistication and elegance of the products on display. We have worked with luxury brands and high-end product designers to develop lighting solutions that highlight every detail of the items on display.
Recessed lighting, track lighting and accent lighting are often used to create dynamic and adaptive lighting effects.By integrating intelligent lighting systems, we enable showrooms to adjust lighting according to the time of day or special events, creating an ever-changing experience for visitors.

Office Lighting

In offices, lighting must promote productivity while ensuring the visual comfort of employees. Our references include companies of various sizes for which we have designed balanced lighting plans. We mainly use LED luminaires with low energy consumption to provide uniform illumination and reduce eyestrain.
Light panels, suspension and adjustable desk lamps are installed to offer maximum flexibility. The integration of natural light is also a priority, with solutions such as motorised blinds and artificial skylights to create a stimulating and pleasant working environment.
Restoration Lighting

The lighting in restaurants must create a warm and welcoming atmosphere while meeting specific functional requirements. We have worked with a variety of restaurants, cafés and bars to design lighting that enriches the dining experience.
Hanging lighting above tables, wall-mounted and ambient lighting are used to define distinct zones and enhance the overall atmosphere.  For kitchens and service areas, we focus on functional and efficient lighting that ensures safety and practicality. We also take into account the importance of light colour and temperature to create a variety of moods, from intimate dining to lively evenings.






At Mannequins Shopping, we understand that every type of business has specific lighting needs. Our vast experience and attention to detail allow us to create customised solutions that enhance both the aesthetics and functionality of each space.
Our client references are testament to our ability to turn lighting concepts into reality, delivering lighting environments that captivate and inspire. We look forward to continuing to work with our clients to illuminate their future projects with the same passion and expertise.

If you have a project to open or renovate spaces of any kind, contact us now for a personalised quote.

At Mannequins Shopping, we’re committed to creating unique shopping experiences that attract your customers and grow your sales.

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